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The James Watt Party Disco
A Proper Great Yorkshire Disco! Available in Yorkshire and nationwide.
Party DJ \\ Compere - MC \\ Presenter
Kids Party !
Playing songs and having fun
Looking for a fun kids party disco? Well this is what I do.
Lots of music and fun. Each party is different, depending on the kids.
I start with lots of great music and dancing songs. Then maybe some more games.
It’s always a careful balance of making it a proper grown up disco for kids, and lots of games and fun.
I can provide a load of prizes - they always go down well, or you can supply your own.
This is usually an afternoon gig with the mums and dads eating cake and chatting, whilst I sort the fun.
Tip: Why not have a kids disco , the same day as your adult party. I will come back for an evening session when the kids have gone to bed!

Disco in full flow

James Watt Part Disco

DJ View

part of the disco kit



watty photo

Hits in a barn!

disco look
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