A Radio Station for your event, your company - your brand.
On Air -On line -On Target
High quality audio driving sales
We provide a targetted radio station for your event. Not only a live interactive on air station throughout the duration of your event on air, and on line. Also a dedicated on-line service to drive people to your event - adding sizzle, a buzz and footfall.

On Air
A live radio station exclusive to you that you can control. A complete service on FM , on line , and on your mobile. Helping to direct your customers not only at the event , but people listening anywhere.

You events could benefit from A WattCast Media radio station.
It could be a exhibition, trade show, a conference, or sporting event. Your radio station could become a hub for visitors to come to to then direct them to the areas that interest them.
sponsers would have direct access to be on air and on line.

Your own radio station will bring a human touch that will enhance your event. We can help create excitement before the event , during it, and make it live on after - giving extra value to exhibitors. Real stories from the experts that have a passion for their ides and products.